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Who We Are: Who We Are

The Waxhaw Woodturners club is a friendly group of people with a common interest that promotes the art of woodturning through our monthly meetings, demonstrations, and videos to help you learn and hone your skills and are here to help you become a better woodturner.

We meet at the McDowell Arts Center located at 123 E. McDowell St.
Matthews, NC 28105
on the first Tuesday of each month at 6:30 p.m.  We usually have a short business meeting with any announcements followed by a demonstration with the featured woodturner showing specifics on how to make all kinds of fancy and simple creations. These meetings allow the opportunity to meet many people who have a passion for woodturning and are more than willing to share their knowledge with others.  Our meetings also feature show and tell items brought in by our members as well as some great raffle prizes!  Visitors are always welcome!

-Roland Hege shows off his Trembleur while Ed Pfau looks on



The Waxhaw Woodturners is proud to be a chapter of the American Association of Woodturners (AAW).  The AAW, headquartered in Saint Paul, Minnesota, is dedicated to advancing the art and craft of woodturning worldwide by providing opportunities for education, information, and organization to those interested in turning wood.  With more than 16,000 members and a network of over 365 local chapters globally representing professionals, amateurs, gallery owners, collectors, and wood/tool suppliers, the AAW provides inspiration, education, and information about woodturning tools, techniques, projects, safety, and more.  Several of our members are also members of the AAW, and while not a requirement, it is very much encouraged as AAW members have access to the single largest collection of woodturning information anywhere in the world, including AAW’s award-winning journal, American Woodturner which is the foremost publication on the art and craft of woodturning in the world. 


Together with the AAW, the Waxhaw Woodturners promote the safe and effective use of woodturning lathes and tools.  We strongly encourage that you read, thoroughly understand, and follow the label warnings on the lathe and in the owner/operator’s manual.  Safety guidelines from an experienced instructor, video, or book are a good source of important safety procedures. Please work safely.  For more information, click please click here.

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