Beads of Courage, Inc. is a non-profit organization that provides innovative, arts-in-medicine supportive care programs for children coping with serious illness, their families and the health care providers who care for them. Through the program, children tell their story using colorful beads as meaningful symbols of courage that commemorate milestones they have achieved along their unique treatment path. For example, a red bead for each blood transfusion, a yellow bead for each night in the hospital, a star bead for surgery, a white bead for chemotherapy. Their collection of beads becomes a tangible record of their journey.
Throughout the year, Waxhaw Woodturners members turn Beads of Courage boxes. The boxes are collected and donated to area hospitals where they are given to children undergoing treatment. The children use these boxes to hold the beads they receive for reaching various milestones and achievements in their treatment process.

Carolina Breast Friends embraces the breast cancer community in a positive environment by providing resources and education through fellowship and mentoring during any stage of the journey. In addition to monthly meetings, Carolina Breast Friends provides the following ongoing services in the Charlotte area:
Providing information and comfort to newly diagnosed breast cancer patients. Distributing "Comfort Bags" with the help of The Breast Center Navigators of Levine Cancer Institute, Atrium Health, Piedmont, Caromont, along with various chemotherapy infusion centers in the area. Comfort Bags contain information and products that are helpful during chemotherapy treatment.
Distributing "Inspiration Jars" into the hands of women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. The Breast Cancer Navigators of Presbyterian Hospital and Atrium Health help CBF distribute these jars that contain positive quotes from breast cancer survivors.
Mentoring program that matches our "veteran" members with newly diagnosed women of similar age and diagnosis for support as they navigate the difficult path they must take.
​Throughout the year, Waxhaw Woodturners members turn wig stands that are collected and donated to Carolina Breast Friends where they are given to those undergoing treatment.
Always the Third Saturday in May
Kaleidoscope Fest / Taste of Waxhaw is a one-day Music, Food and Arts/Crafts Festival held the third Saturday in May. KFest celebrates everything Waxhaw has to offer while giving everyone in the community something to enjoy from small children to adults. The Waxhaw Woodturners support this festival by turning wooden spinning tops and other items for children, providing information about our club and by demonstrating various turning techniques.

Stroll the streets of downtown Waxhaw during our Autumn Treasures two-day event held annually the second weekend in October. Our biggest festival of the year, Autumn Treasures offers a lively atmosphere with a little something for everyone. Local crafters display their talents and wares on Main Street, while local musicians fill the streets with song. The Waxhaw Woodturners support this festival by turning wooden spinning tops and other items for children, providing information about our club and by demonstrating various turning techniques.